This is Why We do What We Do
BGEAR products come from one man’s “LOVE” for his mother due to Alzheimer's. After realizing his mother could no longer play keep-away with his hat due to her deteriorating health, Butch Grimes created a clothing line that reminds consumers of youth's comfort and simplicity. A portion of BGEAR's proceeds goes to Alzheimer's and dementia-related causes. Within every "BGEAR Hat Box," there will be a QR code that will direct you to a page of Resources & Tips to assist with caring for those inflicted by Alzheimer's/Dementia.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the nonprofit “WHOSGONNATAKECAREOFME.ORG, "which greatly educates and provides resources for families on the front line daily with their loved ones. The goal is to provide necessities, briefs, toiletries, and much more to families that cannot provide the basics due to the rising costs of caring for an Alzheimer’s patient.
Long Sleeved Shirt
A long sleeve is your companion during a chilly day or when you want to lounge around the house. Choose from various colors and slip into a long-sleeve so comfy it may be your next pair of pajamas.